From the very beginning of the session a pandemic of Covid – 19 was spread in all over world which influence the climate of the earth. All the sector related to human being or nature destroyed very bad manner. In the starting of this session first lockdown was come in power to stop the pandemic spread in India 21 days period of this session was very horrible. Pindrop silence on road streets schools and in all other containment zones no proper beginning of education has happened due to lock down.
But to overcome such critical conditions a sector was awaken many educationist, Technical persons and social media come together for the betterment of students they provided online platform for the online classes as Zoom, Goggle meet, Goggle room, Webex etc. It was very difficult for everyone to be familiar with these. Our school has started online classes 28/March/2021 first in nearby area. Students and Teachers slowly became familiar for these technical devices or apps.
In the months of July online test was held in school for all classes and it was the milestone in the history of education. By the Hard labour of teachers and technical IT personals online classes move successfully till march end of the session. During online class our school has conducted many online competitions as Rangoli completion, Diya making , Rakhi making, Writing competition , Fancy dress etc. with pandemic our students also enjoy co curricular activities with academic.